With the GCS app, you can control your airsoft gun from smartphone or tablet with Android and PC with Windows or macOS.
See also the device full manual at: www.gatee.eu/manuals (do usinięcia)
In case you have any difficulties while installing or using this product:
a) email us at support@gatee.eu
b) contact us via Facebook:
c) call (+48) 122-100-523
Micro-USB cable has the same connectors on both sides. However, it is very important to connect the USB-Link and smartphone to appropriate ends of the cable. Otherwise, it will not work.
If in case of PC or Mac, you cannot see your USB-Link on the list or it is accompanied by exclamation mark, you must install appropriate driver manually. You can download the driver herefrom: www.gatee.eu/drivers
3. Read USB-Link manual and get familiar with the functions: www.gatee.eu/manuals (do usunięcia)
Blue (glowing) – the USB-Link is connected to PC, Mac or smartphone. A compatible AEG Controller is not connected or PC/Mac driver is not installed. You can download the driver here: www.gatee.eu/drivers
Green (glowing) – the USB-Link is connected to PC, Mac or smartphone and a compatible AEG Controller.
Green (blinking) – the USB-Link is connected to PC, Mac or smartphone and a compatible AEG Controller, but the AEG Controller does not have firmware installed. Please install its firmware via GCS.
Red (glowing) – communication with a compatible AEG Controller was interrupted while saving settings, which may have been transmitted incorrectly. Please check the connection between the USB-Link and the AEG Controller.
Compatible with