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Lea atentamente antes de usar. Guárdelo para referencia futura.

¡No leer esta información puede anular la garantía!

La información contenida en este documento sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso por cambios en las especificaciones u otras razones. Cuando utilice un producto de la lista aquí, asegúrese de obtener las especificaciones más recientes.


Independientemente de su experiencia previa, siga todas las precauciones de seguridad para evitar cualquier daño a su TITAN.

La instalación de TITAN requiere un profundo conocimiento técnico de los componentes internos de la caja de cambios. Para evitar daños, recomendamos que lo instale una persona capacitada. Sin embargo, si desea continuar con la instalación de TITAN por su cuenta, debe leer este documento completo y ver el video de instalación de antemano. La instalación incorrecta puede provocar, entre otros, daños en el sensor, que no están cubiertos por la garantía.

Aplique una fina capa de grasa. El exceso de grasa puede cubrir los sensores o los espacios entre los dientes, lo que resultará en problemas de detección de ciclos. Utilice grasa de viscosidad y densidad adecuadas para evitar salpicaduras.

Un calce excesivo del engranaje de sector puede causar una detección incorrecta del ciclo. La leva de engranajes debe interrumpir el haz del sensor.

En caso de dificultades para instalar o utilizar este producto:


Los componentes optoelectrónicos ASTER marcados en la foto de abajo son muy sensibles. Evite su daño.

No retire la película protectora del dispositivo ni los tubos termorretráctiles. Quitarlos anulará la garantía.

Se requiere una arandela aislante. Coloque las arandelas de acuerdo con el gráfico a continuación. Colocar las arandelas en el orden incorrecto provocará un cortocircuito y un daño permanente a TITAN, que no está cubierto por la garantía.

La colocación incorrecta del cableado debajo del engranaje del motor puede causar daños en el aislamiento y un cortocircuito, que no está cubierto por la garantía.

No aprete el gatillo cuando la caja de cambios esté abierta. Esto puede resultar en daños al sensor del gatillo.

El sensor del selector no detecta superficies negras. Si el selector no viene con un conector de metal o no funciona correctamente, debe usar un sticker apropiado del KIT DE INSTALACIÓN.

La posición del sticker es crucial. Asegúrese de alinearlo exactamente con el borde izquierdo y la línea roja superior. El juego contiene 3 tipos de stickers diferentes. Primero, use el que tiene la línea negra más delgada. Si no puede calibrar el selector, pruebe con los demás.

Mientras usa un gatillo estándar, coloque la etiqueta de la caja de cambios como se muestra en la foto a continuación. Esto permite que ASTER detecte el movimiento del gatillo. Si desea utilizar un Quantum Trigger, no utilice una pegatina de caja de cambios.

En TITAN V2, los conectores deben doblarse de acuerdo con la foto a continuación. Doblar los conectores en la dirección opuesta puede hacer que se rompan. Si esto sucediera, se incluyen terminales de repuesto en el KIT DE INSTALACIÓN.

Quantum Trigger

Quantum Trigger es compatible solo con ASTER V2.

Mientras reemplaza su gatillo anterior con un Quantum Trigger, use el mismo resorte de gatillo.


No retire el sticker blanco de su Quantum Trigger.

Do not pull the trigger when the gearbox is open. This may result in trigger sensor damage.

While installing a Quantum Trigger, do not place the gearbox sticker inside. If an ASTER was installed previously, remove the gearbox sticker.

Finish assembling your replica and calibrate your ASTER following the steps in the Calibration section of this guide.


The ASTER optoelectronic components marked in the photo below are very sensitive. Avoid their damage.

Do not remove the device protective film or heat shrink tubes. Removing them will void the warranty.

Use a metal washer with a diameter of max. 8 mm [0.31 inch] to avoid damaging ASTER.

ASTER V3 fits CNC gearboxes with very low backlash. While fitting ASTER, pull the cables and at the same time push the board into the right place. Pay attention to the area marked yellow to fit the board correctly. Do this carefully so as not to damage the insulation of the wires.


Use the trigger sticker to make it visible for the trigger sensor.

ASTER can detect trigger position very precisely. In order to increase sensitivity, you need to eliminate trigger backlash. The set contains 3 trigger anti-backlash stickers of various thicknesses. Try each one of them or a combination of more than one and choose the most appropriate one.

In AK type AEGs, eliminate as much backlash in the selector mechanism as possible. Tighten all screws and make sure you eliminate the micro moves indicated with arrows. You can do this using the additional stickers included in the INSTALLATION KIT

For AK and G36 selector types, it may be required to sand the inner edge of the selector plate. The distance between the edges must be 15 mm [0.59 in].

The selector plate requires modification. Place the selector sticker according to the photos below. Its position is crucial.

In ASTER V3 the connectors must be straight according to the photo below. Bending and straightening the connectors back may cause them to break. If this should happen, spare terminals are included in the INSTALLATION KIT.


During calibration, remember to pull the trigger completely each time (until you feel resistance).

AUG type AEGs can only be calibrated in the GCS app.

Once ASTER is installed in an AEG, the trigger and selector sensors must be calibrated according to the steps below:


  1. If your ASTER is brand new, go to step 2. If not, restore factory settings as described in

Restoring Factory Settings below and then go to step 2.

  1. To calibrate ASTER, plug in the battery. You will hear 3 low frequency vibrations indicating lack of calibration error.

  1. Switch the selector to AUTO. While in AUTO, pull the trigger twice and wait for a confirmation vibration.

  1. Then, switch the selector to SEMI. While in SEMI, pull the trigger once and wait for a confirmation vibration.

  1. Next, switch the selector to SAFE. While in SAFE, wait for a confirmation vibration. Now ASTER is fully calibrated and ready to use.*

*If there is a problem during calibration, you will hear a short high and mid frequency vibration. Then, calibrate the selector again.

ASTER V3 (AK Selector Type)

  1. If your ASTER is brand new, go to step 2. If not, restore factory settings as described in

Restoring Factory Settings below and then go to step 2.

  1. To calibrate ASTER, plug in the battery. You will hear 3 low frequency vibrations indicating lack of calibration error.

  1. Switch the selector to AUTO.

  1. Pull the trigger once and wait for a confirmation vibration.

  1. Switch the selector to SEMI.

  1. Pull the trigger once and wait for a confirmation vibration.

  1. Switch the selector to AUTO again.

  1. Pull the trigger once and wait for a confirmation vibration.

  1. Switch the selector to SAFE.

10. Wait for a confirmation vibration. Now ASTER is fully calibrated and ready to use.*

*If there is a problem during calibration, you will hear a short high and mid frequency vibration. Then, calibrate the selector again.

G36 Selector Type

  1. If your ASTER is brand new, go to step 2. If not, restore factory settings as described in the corresponding chapter (page 60) and then
    go to step 2.

  1. To calibrate ASTER, plug the battery. You will hear 3 low frequency vibrations notifying lack of calibration error.

  1. Switch fire selector to SEMI.

  1. Pull the trigger twice and wait for a confirmation vibration.

  1. Switch fire selector to AUTO.

  1. Pull the trigger once and wait for a confirmation vibration.

  1. Switch fire selector to SEMI again.

  1. Pull the trigger once and wait for a confirmation vibration.

  1. Switch the selector to SAFE.

10. Wait for a confirmation vibration. Now ASTER is fully calibrated and ready to use.*

  • If there is a problem during calibration, a short high and mid frequency vibration occurs. Then, calibrate the selector again.

You do not have to calibrate your unit each time, only restoring the factory settings will require re-calibration.

Quick Access Menu

You can access Pre-Cocking or Profiles using a shortcut. After firing a shot, burst or while in SAFE (only if the safety lever has been removed)*, hold the trigger and switch the selector within the specified time (see table). Switch the selector in any order to change between the options indicated by motor vibrations. 

By releasing the trigger, you exit the function confirming it. Bear in mind that Programming via Trigger is a different process. To find out more check the PROGRAMMING VIA TRIGGER CARD included or continue reading below.

*You can enter Programming via Trigger only when the selector on the replica is in SEMI position and AUTO mode is not assigned to this position.




available if preset in GCS

in SEMI or BURST mode preset in GCS in SEMI physical position only



Profiles (EXPERT only)

Programming via trigger

To enter the function: hold the trigger

and switch the selector within 2 s

and switch the selector within 2-7 s

for > 7 s

Available options


Low frequency vibration


High frequency vibration

check the PROGRAMMING VIA TRIGGER CARD included or continue reading below



Profile 1




Profile 2


Profile 3



In GCS go to Trigger>Pre-Cocking>Switch Mode via Selector and use the toggle button to activate this function.

  1. Fire a shot, burst or pull the trigger while in SAFE mode (only if the safety lever has been removed) and do not release the trigger.

  2. Switch the selector within 2 s. There is a single low frequency vibration.

  3. Switch the selector in any order to change between the options indicated by vibrations:

    1. 1 low frequency vibration – Pre-cocking Off

    2. 2 low frequency vibrations – Pre-cocking On

  4. Release the trigger to save selected mode

Profile Selection

Profiles are sets of particular settings of configurable ASTER functions. You can choose one of the three profiles at a time. Go to General>Profiles>Change Profile via Selector in GCS to be able to use this function. If you want to change the active profile:

  1. Fire a shot, burst or pull the trigger while in SAFE (only if the safety lever has been removed) and do not release the trigger.

  2. Switch the selector within 2–7 s. There is a single high frequency vibration.

  3. Switch the selector in any order to change between options, which are indicated by vibrations. 

    1. 1 high frequency vibration – Profile 1

    2. 2 high frequency vibrations – Profile 2

    3. 3 high frequency vibrations – Profile 3

  4. Release the trigger to save the selected profile.

Programming via Trigger

This programming mode allows you to set the options of basic ASTER functions.

To run Programming via Trigger, your AEG must have a physical 3-stage selector. 

Turning on Programming Mode

  1. Switch the selector on your replica to SEMI or BURST.* If AUTO mode is selected in SEMI position, use the alternative method below.

  2. Fire a shot or burst and do not release the trigger.

  3. Hold the trigger for 7 seconds – until you hear a vibration and see dark blue light in the trigger hole

*Not possible if AUTO mode is selected in SEMI position

Alternative Method

  1. Disconnect the battery

  2. Switch the selector position to SEMI

  3. Pull the trigger and do not release it

  4. Connect the battery (ignore the warning vibrations)

  5. Hold the trigger for 3 s – until you hear a vibration and see dark blue light in the trigger hole

You can easily change the menu level by switching the selector. Pull the trigger to quickly navigate the menu. Each time you pull the trigger, the LED color changes as well as the number of accompanying vibrations. The table presents functions and their options programmable via trigger as well as how they are indicated by LED and vibrations.

If you hold the trigger for 10 seconds, factory settings are restored, which is indicated by 2 vibrations.

grafika pokazująca co oznacza dana pozycja selektora, gdzie znajduje się LED, oraz jak działa spust w zależności od długości kliku*

The number of vibrations and the LED color reflect the position of an option or function from the menu, e.g. if 5 BBs are selected in Full for BURST mode, you will hear 3 vibrations.

*To execute an action from Advanced, hold the trigger down for more than 3 seconds.
**This needs to be predefined in the GCS and is then available at trigger level. Once you disconnect the battery, the setting cannot be changed and needs to be reintroduced in GCS.

Selecting a Function

  1. Switch the selector to SEMI.

  2. To get to a function, pull the trigger the specified number of times (according to the table above).

Selecting an Option of a Function

  1. Switch the selector to AUTO.

  2. To get to an option of a selected function, pull the trigger the specified number of times (according to the table above).

Saving an Option

  1. To save an option, switch the selector to SEMI.

  2. The setting is saved and you are back to the functions menu.

  3. You can set the options of the other basic functions the same way.

Advanced Options

  1. Select the Advanced option.

  2. Pull and hold the trigger for more than 3 seconds.

Exiting the Programming Mode

  1. Switch the selector to SAFE.

  2. Enjoy the ASTER functions you've just set.

Activating SAFE Mode if Not Assigned

If SAFE mode is not assigned in GCS, it is possible to activate it via the selector*:

  1. Switch the selector rapidly in this sequence: SAFE → SEMI → SAFE (SAFE → AUTO → SAFE for AK-47).

  2. Now SAFE mode is activated – switch to SEMI or AUTO to deactivate it.

  3. Switching to SAFE again accesses the fire mode assigned to the SAFE position in the GCS.

*SAFE mode also applies when the selector is in SAFE while connecting the battery – switching to SEMI or AUTO deactivates it.

ASTER remembers your settings, so programming always starts by informing you of the current settings.

Programming via USB-Link

You can use a USB-Link to connect your ASTER to GCS for Android and Windows/macOS. To connect to GCS for iOS, you must use a Blu-Link.

Prevent the USB-Link and the ends of the USB cable from contact with conductive materials, such as dust, liquid or metal powder.

Do not remove the device heat shrink tube.

  1. Connect the USB-Link via its Micro-USB plug to your PC, Mac or smartphone using one of the dedicated USB cables:

  • USB-A cable for PC/Mac

  • Micro-USB or USB-C cable for smartphones

The micro-USB cable has the same connectors on both sides. However, it is very important to connect the USB-Link and smartphone to the appropriate ends of the cable as otherwise, it will not work. 

If your USB-Link cannot be detected, follow the instructions displayed in GCS.

  1. Connect ASTER to the USB-Link.

If your USB-Link cannot detect ASTER, check if the issue persists with another PC, Mac or smartphone. If the problem persists:

  1. Now you can control ASTER via GCS.

USB-Link Troubleshooting

USB-Link has a 4-color LED indicator.

BLUE (glowing)
The USB-Link is connected to PC or smartphone. ASTER is not connected or PC driver is not installed. You can download the driver here: .
BLUE (blinking)
The USB-Link does not have firmware installed. Please install the firmware.

GREEN (glowing)
The USB-Link is connected to ASTER and PC, Mac or smartphone.
GREEN (blinking)
The USB-Link is connected to ASTER and PC, Mac or smartphone, but ASTER does not have firmware installed. Please install the ASTER firmware.

YELLOW (glowing)
The USB-Link is transmitting data.

RED (glowing)
Communication with ASTER was interrupted while saving settings. ASTER settings may have been transmitted incorrectly. Please check the connection between the USB-Link and ASTER.

Restoring Factory Settings

Restoring the factory settings results in resetting the default settings, erasing adaptations and statistical data.

Restoring the factory settings of ASTER requires re-calibration in GCS.

You can restore Factory Settings in 3 ways:

  • Via GCS:

Go to General. Open the menu in the upper right corner and select Restore factory settings.

  • While in programming mode:

  1. Turn on the programming mode as described in Programming via Trigger

  2. Switch the selector to SEMI

  3. Pull the trigger 4 times to select Advanced (5 vibrations, LED glowing orange)

  4. Switch the selector to AUTO

  5. Pull the trigger to get to Restore Factory Settings (4 vibrations, LED glowing pink)

  6. Confirm the Restore Factory Settings option by pulling the trigger for at least 3 seconds

  • While connecting the battery:

  1. Disconnect the battery

  2. Pull the trigger

  3. While the trigger is pulled, connect the battery (ignore the warning vibrations)

  4. Hold the trigger for 10 seconds until you hear 2 vibrations confirming the reset (ignore the vibrations occurring in the meantime informing about entering the programming mode)

  5. Release the trigger

The trigger must be held down throughout the entire operation – from connecting the battery until you hear the vibrations.


Low Battery Warnings

When activated, you are warned 5 times before the battery is discharged. Each warning is communicated by 3 vibrations: High → Mid → High.

Vibrations after connecting the battery

ASTER can detect number of battery cells automatically. If you activate this function, vibrations start once the battery is connected. Remember to always check if ASTER detected correct number of battery cells.

Vibrations after connecting the battery


1 short high frequency

Cell detection error

2 short high frequency

Two cells detected

3 short high frequency

Three cells detected

4 short high, 1 long low frequency

The voltage is too high

3 short low frequency

Lack of trigger or selector calibration

4 short low frequency

Trigger error: after connecting the battery, ASTER detected a trigger position where a shot may be fired

Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) enable detecting basic malfunctions and problems with your AEG or ASTER. You are notified of the main errors with LED lights glowing in the trigger hole and vibrations. These light-and-sound sequences are activated once a malfunction takes place. DTCs can be later read and cleared in the DTC menu in GCS as well as in the Programming Mode in Advanced Settings. In the latter case, the LED light blinks the same number of times as the motor vibrates, so you can check DTCs even without a connected motor.

If DTCs are read while in Programming Mode:

  • The LED light in the trigger hole glows in the color reflecting the issue type

    • Yellow indicates a warning

    • Red indicates a problem

    • Red-Blue blinking alternately indicates the device failed on self-test

    • Red-Yellow blinking alternately indicates other errors

  • Each vibration type corresponds to an issue type

    • high frequency vibrations indicate a warning

    • low frequency vibrations indicate a problem

    • Low-high frequency vibrations indicate the device failed on self-test

    • High-low frequency vibrations indicate other errors

  • The number of vibrations determines exactly what the problem is (for reference read the DTC explanations presented later on in this guide)

It is good practice to clear the DTCs in GCS before each skirmish.

The table presents DTC along with their possible reasons and solutions.

DTC name


LED indicator color / number of blinks and vibrations / vibration type

Error description (what happened)

Possible reason

(why it happened)

Possible solution

(what to do)

No errors

Green / 1 / -

No errors detected

Everything is fine

Enjoy airsofting

Under Voltage Protection 1


Yellow / 1 / High

Protection against over-discharge of the battery. Battery protection was activated.

  1. The battery is discharged

  1. Charge the battery

Under Voltage Protection 2


Yellow / 2 / High

The voltage dropped below 1.9 V which is critical for ASTER to work properly.

  1. The battery is discharged

  2. The battery is worn out and has too high internal resistance

  3. Inadequate battery type for given AEG configuration

  4. Too much electrical resistance between ASTER and the battery

  5. Motor too strong for the connected battery

  6. Motor connections short circuit

  7. Motor is jammed

  8. Motor is damaged

  1. Charge the battery

  2. Replace the battery

  3. Use a battery with more capacity or more voltage

  4. Do not use any adapters

  5. Use standard or high-torque motors instead of high-speed

  6. Check and fix the motor wires insulation

  7. Unjam the motor

  8. Replace the motor

Under Voltage Protection 3


Yellow / 3 / High

Protection against over-discharge of the battery. Battery protection was activated immediately after connecting the battery.

  1. Number of cells is different than their number set in GCS

  2. The battery is discharged

  1. Set the same number of cells in GCS as in the battery

  2. Charge the battery

Motor Disc


Yellow / 4 / High

ASTER did not detect the motor.

  1. Motor is not connected

  2. Brushes are worn out

  3. Motor is damaged

  1. Check wiring and motor connectors. Connect the motor

  2. Replace brushes

  3. Replace the motor

Gear Not Detected


Red / 1 / Low

ASTER did not detect the sector gear.

  1. Too high sector gear shimming

  2. Sector gear sensor is dirty

  3. Sector gear sensor is damaged

  4. Sector gear is jammed

  5. Motor is damaged

  1. Remove shims under the sector gear

  2. Clean sector gear sensor

  3. Contact

  1. Inspect the sensors using GCS

  2. Replace the motor

  3. In case of dirty or damaged gear sensor you may

set Cycle detection to Off



Red / 2 / Low

Too high load. The load limit was exceeded.

  1. ASTER with BASIC and ADVANCED firmware edition is dedicated for up to mid-tuned guns

  1. Use high-torque motor and gears

  2. Upgrade firmware to EXPERT

Over Current Protection


Red / 3 / Low

ASTER detected too high current. Overcurrent protection was activated.

  1. Motor is damaged

  2. Motor or gearbox is jammed

  3. Motor connections short circuit

  1. Replace the motor

  2. Unjam the motor or gearbox

  3. Check and fix the motor wires insulation

Short Circuit Protection


Red / 4 / Low

ASTER detected current over 220 A. Short circuit protection was activated.

  1. Motor is damaged

  2. Motor or gearbox is jammed

  3. Motor connections short circuit

  1. Replace the motor

  2. Unjam the motor or gearbox

  3. Check and fix the motor wires insulation

Over Temperature Protection


Red / 5 / Low

ASTER temperature is too high. Over temperature protection was activated.

  1. Outside temperature is too high in correlation with the demanding AEG

  2. Frequent short circuits and ASTER electrical overloads

  1. Wait until the temperature drops

Self-test Failure


Red-Blue / 2 / Low-High

The device failed on self-test.

  1. Internal error of the device

  1. Contact

Other error

Red-Yellow / 2 / High-Low

Connect ASTER with GCS and check DTC


In case of any difficulties installing or using this product:


  • No labels