How to fix a faulty spring guide?
Before performing the procedure, check whether the guide needs repair by trying to unscrew it with your hands. If the guide cannot be unscrewed by hand, this means that it does not need repair.
1. Prepare the spring guide, thread adhesive – make sure you use adhesive with a valid expiration date (preferably Loctite 603), and a paper towel for collecting excess adhesive.
2. Unscrew the spring guide.
3. Tilt the base of the guide so that it is roughly in a horizontal position and apply one drop of adhesive to the base of the spring guide.
The adhesive should be spread as shown in the picture below.
4. Tilt the guide about 45 degrees and apply two drops of adhesive to the spring guide – the steel part. It is important to spread the adhesive evenly over the threads. To do this, tilt the guide so that it is in a horizontal position and roll it in your fingers for about 5 seconds.
5. Screw the guide together until a noticeable resistance is felt.
6. If you notice excess adhesive under the bearing guide, remove it with a paper towel.
7. Leave the spring guide until the adhesive has cured (approximately 3 hours), it is best to leave the guide in a vertical orientation with the aluminum part facing upwards (as shown in the picture below). After this time, check the quality of the connection. If you are unable to unscrew it, the assembly process has been successful and you can safely use your guide in the CNC Gearbox.